Why Should I Buy Pasture-Raised Chicken?

Consumers asking this question, should start by taking a hard look at the alternative.

Conventional grocery store birds are likely factory-farmed in confinement housing that is full of fecal dust. Packing too many chickens in too tight a space presents obvious problems. These issues must then be managed with antibiotics, hormones, and other toxic substances.

Another reason we think you should ditch eating conventionally raised chicken is because of the unhealthy processing methods the birds are subjected to. Most consumers are blissfully unaware of the fecal-contamination that occurs during the processing of their food, and the subsequent chlorine-baths and radiation that is used to make it “safe” to eat.

Animals need access to pasture, FRESH pasture. Not just a hole in the side of a stationary chicken house.

Many producers will claim that their poultry is “pasture-raised” and label them as such, but in reality, these birds live most of their lives packed in the poultry house, even if they have access to the outside.

Chickens like to be in the shade during the day, they also like to stay close to their food and water (which is inside). The result is a barn full of thousands of birds living in manured-on litter their entire lives. The small percentage of chickens who are curious enough to venture outside eat up the surrounding pasture and what’s left is a bare-dirt wasteland. So much for “pasture-raised” now.

The J&K Pollock Difference

Our chickens are MOBILE! Our system uses mobile chicken tractors that get moved around the pasture daily. Allowing our poultry access to fresh green grass and bugs every day results in a remarkably healthier, tastier, and more nutrient-dense meat.

When you walk into a grocery store and pick up a piece of meat, you simply cannot be sure how that animal was raised. Food labels today are confusing, unclear, and even intentionally deceiving. The J&K Pollock Ranch welcomes you to visit our farm and see for yourself where and how your food is being produced. When you shop with us, you can be certain that you are feeding your family well, and supporting regenerative agriculture at the same time.

Come see us at the ranch and get to know the farmers who are producing the food you eat. We look forward to meeting you!

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